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American Coal

Issue 1 2024 of American Coal is Now Available! In Issue 1, 2024 of American Coal magazine, read about the challenges that the coal industry faces in modern-day America — from energy security to administrative overreach. Plus, read about how the coal industry can combat misinformation and how coal may provide huge economic and security benefits during the energy transition. That and so much more in Issue 1, 2024 of American Coal!


Representing America’s Entire Coal Value Chain

The American Coal Council has one of the broadest, most diverse membership bases in the entire coal space. Its members include everyone from mining companies that produce the coal to railroads and barge companies that transport it, and terminals that transfer, store, blend and load it. Traders who make physical and financial deals to hedge the commodity, utilities and merchant generators that use it to generate electricity, and industrial companies that rely on coal for making steel, paper and cement also fill our roster. Many support services providers to our entire coal supply chain round out ACC’s extensive membership base, making the American Coal Council proudly representative of all aspects of the industry, from the hole in the ground to the plug in the wall.

Coal Suppliers

Mining, Coal Production & Sales

Coal Consumers

Utility & Industrial

Energy Traders

Domestic & Global Markets

Coal Transportation

Rail, Trucking, Ports & Terminals

Suppliers / Service providers to the American coal industry

Equipment & Materials Suppliers / Analytical & Environmental Services / Financial, Capital & Marketing Associates / Safety Managers / Technical & Economic Consultants / Contributing Supporters (Associations & Affiliated Organizations)

If you have business interests in the coal market in the United States, American Coal magazine is for you.


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Advertise in American Coal magazine

American Coal reaches the desks of more than 7,500 decision-makers in print and another 5,000 in digital format. Our magazine directly targets professionals involved in purchasing products, services and equipment across the coal industry. When comparing any other publication in the coal space, American Coal is by far the most-trusted by industry solutions providers to reach qualified buyers cost-effectively. This is evident in the number of advertising partners we proudly feature in each issue. With only two issues per year to create major impact (Spring and Fall editions), American Coal is also considered the most affordable marketing opportunity to stay consistent, consecutive and top-of-mind in every issue published we deliver to our loyal audience.

Advertising in American Coal captures the attention of inspired readers. Let’s inspire our readers to work with you.

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